TSB delivered on approximately 75% floor plate strip out of existing partitioning, meeting rooms, glazing, carpet, ductwork, relocations of low-level power, installation and refurbishment of existing tea point, duct work modifications, carpet & vinyl installations etc.
Having dedicated over 30+ TSB engineers to the project, of which all self-delivered the majority of works to a satisfactory level on many aspects, improving the like for like comparison across Ministers L7 offices vs the new L2 offices.
This achieved an increase in the overall finished quality, higher specification electrical/ICT installation, acoustic sound improvements for privacy, lighting, fresh air supply and return air grilles and finally overall decoration across the floor.
Every discipline worked in harmony with one another and as testament, all pulled together across the 6 weeks to deliver successfully, a hugely challenging project.
TSB were committed to delivering on strict project deadlines and the key to that success was the team.
All 30+ engineers pulled together to work day and night, 7 days a week alongside management to communicate any on-site issues and have them approved within hours by consultants so that no time was lost on the project. Communication was key. Fifteen minute stand-up meetings with all engineers created clarity on the daily expectations and where they needed to be by the end of the week. Full transparency of the programme gave the team visibility of the complex task at hand, delivering a 12 week project within 6 weeks.