Cyber Essentials is a United Kingdom certification scheme designed to show an organisation has a minimum level of protection in cyber security through annual assessments to maintain certification. Backed by the UK government and overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre.

TSB Contractors adheres to an assurance framework and cybersecurity controls that protect our organisation. Our certificate in Cyber assurance demonstrates our achievement in cybersecurity.

The Cyber Essentials scheme is a set of baseline technical controls produced by the UK Government and industry to help organisations, large and small, public, and private, improve their defenses and publicly demonstrate their commitment to cybersecurity.

The Cyber Essentials scheme addresses the most common internet-based attacks that use widely available tools and that need very little skill for the attacker to use.

The scheme helps organisations to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored on devices that connect to the internet.

The security controls such as, secure configuration, secure our internet connection, access control, patch management, and malware protection, reassures that we are committed to protecting our organisation and providing security measures for all our data requirements.
